Results for 'Frederico Fialho Teixeira'

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  1.  58
    Emosphera: An autopoeisis synaesthetic space.Frederico Fialho Teixeira & Müge Belek - 2012 - Technoetic Arts 9 (2-3):121-128.
    The dynamics and fusion of multiple media into one space has been thoroughly studied by Frederick J. Kiesler. His investigations into a multi-dimensional, space are in fact the beginnings of what would become a radically new concept of form and content appropriately called ‘Endless Space’. In the 1930s entitled the ‘Correalist Theory’ believes that the essence of reality is not in the ‘thing’ itself, but in the way it correlates and orders itself to its environment, to its spatial dynamics and (...)
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    Frederico rochaferreira - filósofo reescreve a história revelando segredos E enigmas, no mais profundo esforço para O nosso entendimento.Frederico Rochaferreira - 2016 - Divulga Escritor 22.
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  3. A trilogia de Édipo de Joao de Castro Osório.María Do Céu Fialho - 2006 - Humanitas 58:481-494.
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    "Edipo em Colono": o testamento poètico de Sófocles.María Do Ceu Fialho - 1996 - Humanitas 48:29-60.
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    Eros e identidade nas "suplicantes" de Ésquilo.Maria do Céu Fialho - 2012 - Humanitas 64:43-52.
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    (1 other version)The political background of Euripides’ Medea.Maria do Céu Fialho - 2015 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 14:21-25.
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  7. Vivência e expressao de Eros em Sófocles, Traquínias (Tradiçao e Novidade).María Do Ceu Fialho - 2002 - Humanitas 54:49-62.
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    Entrevista com Lauro Frederico Barbosa da Silveira.Lauro Frederico Barbosa da Silveira & Marcos Antonio Alves - 2025 - Trans/Form/Ação 48 (1):e025014.
    The interview conducted in 2017 with Professor Lauro Frederico Barbosa da Silveira is published. This republication is a posthumous tribute to this philosopher who was one of the founders of the Trans/ Form/Ação Journal 50 years ago. A profound expert on various topics in Philosophy and other areas, Lauro was a pioneer in Semiotics studies in Brazil, having contributed to the consolidation and dissemination of the field. The interview addresses several subjects, such as the origin, academic and professional background (...)
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    Knowledge Building by Full Integration With Virtual Reality Environments and Its Effects on Personal and Social Life.Araci Hack Catapan & Francisco Antonio Pereira Fialho - 1999 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 19 (3):237-243.
    It is primordial to insist on a continuous education that is open, flexible, and personalized, allowing the individual to update and make his or her knowledge adequate throughout life. The creation of distributed environments for constructivist learning is a challenge. Research in this field is needed for the development of cooperative learning tools able to facilitate and motivate learning. The development of intelligent didactic systems is complex, demanding the support of knowledge coming from different fields. That is why to develop (...)
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  10. Cdd: 192 associação E crença causal em David hume* joão Paulo Monteiro.Rua Fialho de Almeida - 2000 - Manuscrito 23:99.
  11. Hume on singular experiences1 Joao Paulo Monteiro.R. Fialho de Almeida - 1997 - Manuscrito 20:123.
  12. A presença da antigüidade como referência estruturadora no romance de vergílio Ferreira II Angela ou a filologia morta.Maria do Céu Fialho - 1999 - Humanitas 51:323.
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    Characterizing the perception of urban spaces from visual analytics of street-level imagery.Frederico Freitas, Todd Berreth, Yi-Chun Chen & Arnav Jhala - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (4):1361-1371.
    This project uses machine learning and computer vision techniques and a novel interactive visualization tool to provide street-level characterization of urban spaces such as safety and maintenance in urban neighborhoods. This is achieved by collecting and annotating street-view images, extracting objective metrics through computer vision techniques, and using crowdsourcing to statistically model the perception of subjective metrics such as safety and maintenance. For modeling human perception and scaling it up with a predictive algorithm, we evaluate perception predictions across two points (...)
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  14. Editors with multiple retractions, but who serve on journal editorial boards: Case studies.Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva & Quan-Hoang Vuong - 2023 - Epistēmēs Metron Logos 9:1-8.
    In a recent opinion paper, it was argued that individuals with multiple retractions or a record of academic misconduct should not serve as editors, including as editors-in-chief, on the editorial boards of scholarly or academic journals. As a first step towards appreciating how such a policy could be applied in practice, the presence of 30 individuals listed on the Retraction Watch Leaderboard on editorial boards was screened. Six cases are highlighted to gain an appreciation of the potential reputational risks that (...)
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  15.  20
    A razão filosófica.Frederico Rochaferreira - forthcoming - Philbrasil.
    “Autor reescreve a história abordando temas polêmicos, como a origem de Deus no imaginário dos homens, a fábula de Cristo e a tradição judaica do santo Graal, sendo fonte de pesquisa para seus leitores.” Às vezes parece que é preciso ser um PhD para abrir um livro de filosofia e você pensa, é melhor deixar as questões filosóficas para os filósofos da mesma forma que a ciência para os cientistas. Frederico Rochaferreira entende que isso é trágico, para as nossas (...)
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  16.  32
    Continuity through change: State social research and sociology in Portugal.Frederico Ágoas - 2021 - History of the Human Sciences 34 (3-4):243-265.
    This article examines the development of empirical social research in Portugal over about a century and its relation to the early institutionalization of sociology at the tail end of that period. Relying on new empirical data, coupled with a critical reading of the main sources on the topic, it brings to light some epistemic invariants in a disparate body of research, acknowledging the initial persistence of Le Play-inspired as well as properly Le Playsian research methods. Furthermore, it identifies the general (...)
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    Convergências & afinidades: homenagem a António Braz Teixeira.António Braz Teixeira (ed.) - 2008 - Lisboa: Centro de Estudos de Filosofia da Faculdade de Ciências Humanas da Universidade Católica Portuguesa.
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    Discurso pedagógico, mito e ideologia: o imaginário de Paulo Freire e de Anísio Teixeira.Maria Cecília Sanchez Teixeira - 2000 - Rio de Janeiro: Quartet.
  19.  2
    O significado pedagógico da obra de Anísio Teixeira.Mirene Mota Santos Teixeira - 1985 - São Paulo: Edições Loyola.
  20. Der Wahn jenseits des Menschen. Zur frühen E. v. Hartmann-Rezeption Nietzsches (1869-1874).Frederico Gerratana - 1988 - Nietzsche Studien 17:391-433.
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    Independent Mobility and Social Affordances of Places for Urban Neighborhoods: A Youth-Friendly Perspective.Frederico Lopes, Rita Cordovil & Carlos Neto - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:298103.
    Meaning of place is usually approached as slow social cognitive construction. However, grounded on the theory of affordances, it may also stem from direct perception-action processes, which enable the formation of immediate perceived functional, social or symbolic meaning of place (Raymond, Kyttä, & Stedman, 2017). In the present study, affordances of places, which are perceived by a specific perceiver in a specific place, were mapped using a web-map survey. Each place offers opportunities for interaction, behavior, use, feeling or meaning, which (...)
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    O Problema Estrutural Com o Dilema Metaético de Street: Uma Proposta a Partir de Alvin Plantinga.Frederico Soares de Almeida & Matheus Dabnei Ferreira Peixoto - 2023 - Síntese Revista de Filosofia 50 (158):551.
    Argumentos evolutivos debunking (AEDs), de maneira geral, têm o objetivo de danificar o status epistêmico de um domínio de crenças ao se apelar para suas origens evolutivas. No horizonte da metaética, AEDs normalmente são direcionados a teses realistas da moralidade e consistem essencialmente em afirmar que se nossas crenças morais sofreram influência significativa de pressões seletivas durante nossa história evolutiva, então se segue algum tipo de ceticismo moral. Um dos argumentos paradigmáticos articulados nessa direção é o Dilema Darwiniano de Sharon (...)
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    To Read and to Feel: The Multimodal Representation of Emotions in Digital Children’s Literature.Aline Frederico - 2024 - Bakhtiniana 19 (3):e64214p.
    RESUMO A literatura digital articula novas maneiras de construção de uma experiência estética e emocional aos leitores na infância. Este artigo reflete acerca da emoção e da afetividade na literatura digital por meio da análise de três aplicativos literários voltados a crianças. Para lidar com o complexo fenômeno da experiência afetiva e emocional na leitura digital, um referencial teórico interdisciplinar é proposto, relacionando a fenomenologia de Merleau-Ponty à semiótica social multimodal de Kress e van Leeuwen. O corpus inclui os aplicativos (...)
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    O sentido das paixões e emoções: Hume.Frederico Ramalho Romero - 2023 - Aufklärung 10 (1):89-108.
    This article presents a critical bibliographic review of the central characteristics of Hume's Theory of Passions and Emotions, which conceived the philosophy of human nature as an analytical and experimental science. This view is contrary to the ancient and medieval ideas that passions were movements of the lower parts of the soul. For Hume, passions in general are among the perceptions of the mind, although they also serve as motivations to act and even to reason. The apparent dichotomy that existed (...)
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  25.  24
    Masculinidades.Frederico Rodrigues Gonzaga, Tatiana Benevides Magalhães Braga & Marciana Gonçalves Farinha - 2023 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 14 (27):157-187.
    Este artigo investigou os discursos sobre masculinidades proferidos por homens cisgêneros e heterossexuais na plataforma _youtube_. Para tanto, realizou uma busca, a partir das palavras-chave “ser homem” e “masculinidade”, dos vídeos mais visualizados, sendo os achados organizados em quatro categorias: orientação religiosa, afirmação da masculinidade tradicional com base no darwinismo social, desconstrução da masculinidade tradicional e crítica cultural. Os dados apontam maior público em vídeos voltados ao padrão tradicional de masculinidade e uma relação entre tal conteúdo e instituições religiosas ou (...)
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    O itinerário concupiscente do desejo: signos perversos em Pierrô da caverna, de Rubem Fonseca.Frederico de Lima Silva & Hermano de França Rodrigues - 2023 - Revista Guairacá de Filosofia 39 (2).
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    Só há história universal das contingências: Deleuze-Guattari com Marx via Althusser e Balibar.Frederico Pacheco Lemos - 2023 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 42 (2):101-114.
    Partindo da Introdução geral à crítica da economia política de Marx, Deleuze e Guattari afirmam, em O anti-Édipo, que só há história universal das contingências. O que está em jogo nessa valorização do aspecto contingente da história universal segundo a leitura deleuzo-guattariana de Marx? Nossa hipótese é a de que uma boa via para compreender o sentido desta valorização da contingência é através de um exame de alguns comentários de Althusser e Balibar à obra de Marx, em que defendem que (...)
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  28.  20
    Beyond Instrumentalism: Exploring the Affordance Construal of Technology in Heidegger.Frederico Jose Lagdameo - 2023 - Kritike 16 (3):69-87.
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    From Realpolitik to realism: the American reception of a German conception of politics.Frederico Seixas Dias - 2020 - History of European Ideas 46 (4):405-419.
    Dialoguing with, but going beyond the current history of realist thought in International Relations, the article reflects on how German émigrés contributed to the reception of Realpolitik in the Anglophone political discourse in the form of political realism. It pursues the origins of the concept in mid-nineteenth-century Germany, its first reception in the US by American-born intellectuals, and by German émigrés one century later. Focusing on the work of Hans Morgenthau, it suggests that the theory of political realism stands as (...)
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    Zur Möglichkeit des unmöglichen Strafrechts: ein Versuch über die Dissonanz im System der ultima ratio.Frederico Figueiredo - 2013 - Frankfurt am Main: PL Academic Research.
    Wie gelangen wir in einen Zustand des Strafrechts, den viele Spezialisten mit guten Grunden fur unmoglich halten? Das Buch <I>Zur Moglichkeit des unmoglichen Strafrechts beschaftigt sich mit dieser Frage und versucht auf sie anhand einer vergleichenden Analyse eine Antwort zu geben: Die Krisis des Strafrechts aus der Perspektive der sogenannten Frankfurter Schule des Strafrechts steht dabei der Kritischen Theorie gegenuber. Ausgewahlte Beispiele aus der deutschen sowie der brasilianischen Geschichte, wie Sklaverei, Diktatur, Imperialismus und Nationalsozialismus, sprechen dafur, dass Wissenschaft und Barbarei (...)
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    Ler e sentir: a representação multimodal das emoções na literatura infantil digital.Aline Frederico - 2024 - Bakhtiniana 19 (3):e64214p.
    ABSTRACT Digital literature presents new ways of constructing aesthetic and emotional experience for child readers. This article reflects on emotion and affect in digital literature through the analysis of three literary apps for children. To deal with the complex phenomenon of the affective and emotional experience in digital reading, an interdisciplinary theoretical framework is proposed, relating Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology to Kress and van Leeuwen’s multimodal social semiotics. The corpus includes the apps Little Red Riding Hood, by producer Nosy Crow, The Monster (...)
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    An interpolated song in Euripides? Helen 229–52.Frederico Lourenço - 2000 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 120:132-139.
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    Lírica coral e monódica, una problemática revisitada.Frederico Lourenço - 2009 - Humanitas 61:19-30.
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    Two notes on Euripides' Helen (186; 1472).Frederico Lourenço - 2000 - Classical Quarterly 50 (02):601-.
    This is James Diggle's OCT , with a modified apparatus. The lacuna at 186 prompted two conjectures by Willink: υτθυ and the ingenious αλθυ . I wonder, however, whether an adverb is what we want: the anadiplosis of λακυ would not have come amiss to lend a touch of hysterical urgency to the cry of the rapist's victim; but that would not give us the rhythm we need . Something approaching the effect of the suggested anadiplosis might be obtained by (...)
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    A filosofia da religião e seu objeto em Paul Tillich e Jean-Luc Marion.Frederico Pieper - 2014 - Horizonte 12 (36).
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    Religião e Cinema.Frederico Pieper - forthcoming - Horizonte:206102-206102.
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    A origem de Deus no imaginário dos homens.Frederico Rochaferreira - 2016 - Multifoco.
    A bela manhã de sol era um convite a visitar meus pensamentos mais distantes, assim, absorto em minhas reflexões caminhava a passos lentos, sem perceber a presença de Alina, que observava sorrindo aquele meu ritual. Alina: Esse caminhar kantiano me diz que buscavas algo, ou melhor; alguma resposta. Estou certa? Lancio: Alina, que bom vê-la! É verdade. Caminhar estimula a circulação e os neurônios, consequentemente, é ótimo para raciocinar e ir em busca de respostas para delas obter perguntas, contudo é (...)
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    A traição da Igreja ao fundador da sua Doutrina ou a fábula de Cristo.Frederico Rochaferreira - forthcoming - Philbrasil.
    Devemos olhar o mito como um grande quebra cabeça da história, cujas peças esparsas precisam ser unidas corretamente e, mesmo assim, não é certo que as peças unidas possam vir a formar um quadro de acontecimentos reais. É provável que a causa primeira da distorção de fatos e acontecimentos em mitos ou fábulas, estivesse na incompreensão da língua, assim como aconteceu, em grande medida, com a criação do romance cristão, contudo, superada essa incompreensão, julgou-se bom e necessário à ordem dos (...)
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    A ética dos miseráveis.Frederico Rochaferreira - forthcoming - Philbrasil.
    Ética. O que é isso? -/- Ética é o que dizemos ser o valor maior da conduta humana e esse valor, que aprendemos através do ensino e da educação é a parte frágil que se soma ao valor fixado em nossa natureza pela herança genética, por isso, não podemos dizer que somente através do saber adquirido o homem forma o seu corpo de caráter para o bem ou para o mal, para as ações virtuosas ou para as ações viciosas, o (...)
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  40. Segredos & enigmas revelados.Frederico Rochaferreira - 2016 - Rio de Janeiro: Multifoco.
    Apesar de ter florescido no século XII, a tradição do Graal, remonta ao século VI, com a história da “Destruição e Conquista da Bretanha”, escrita pelo clérigo Gildas, que não parece querer retratar mais do que fatos da época envolvendo líderes locais com status de Rei, lutas pelo poder, batalhas e assassinatos em família, todavia, se alguma tradição subterrânea (prática comum entre os judeus) havia, envolvendo esses personagens, sobre isso, Gildas, nada falou. -/- A memória desses homens guerreiros volta à (...)
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    New Citizens from Gades: A Note on Cicero Balb. 50.Frederico Santangelo - 2010 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 154 (1).
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    O problema da avaliação.Frederico Sólon - 2004 - Critica.
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    Enculturation and the historical origins of number words and concepts.César Frederico dos Santos - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):9257-9287.
    In the literature on enculturation—the thesis according to which higher cognitive capacities result from transformations in the brain driven by culture—numerical cognition is often cited as an example. A consequence of the enculturation account for numerical cognition is that individuals cannot acquire numerical competence if a symbolic system for numbers is not available in their cultural environment. This poses a problem for the explanation of the historical origins of numerical concepts and symbols. When a numeral system had not been created (...)
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  44.  27
    Handling Ethics Dumping and Neo-Colonial Research: From the Laboratory to the Academic Literature.Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva - 2022 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 19 (3):433-443.
    This paper explores that the topic of ethics dumping, its causes and potential remedies. In ED, the weaknesses or gaps in ethics policies and systems of lower income countries are intentionally exploited for intellectual or financial gains through research and publishing by higher income countries with a more stringent or complex ethical infrastructure in which such research and publishing practices would not be permitted. Several examples are provided. Possible ED needs to be evaluated before research takes place, and detected prior (...)
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  45.  19
    Representação, soberania e governo em Thomas Hobbes.Francisco Luciano Teixeira Filho - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (1):93-110.
    The text deals with the concept of representation in its relation to the concept and sovereignty, in Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679). The work studied is Leviathan, of 1651. The research presents that sovereignty is founded through the original legal act, which establishes an artificial person to represent everyone. This artificial thing is the State. The political society, however, is different from its government, although they are functionally the same.
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    Free editors and peers: squeezing the lemon dry.Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva & Vedran Katavić - 2016 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 6 (3-4).
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  47. Abducting the a priori.Célia Teixeira - 2023 - Synthese 201 (2):1-26.
    Intuition-based accounts of the a priori are criticised for appealing to a “mysterious” faculty of rational intuition to explain how a priori knowledge is possible. Analyticity-based accounts are typically motivated by opposition to them, offering a purportedly “non-mysterious” account of the a priori. In this paper, I argue that analyticity-based accounts are in no better position to explain the a priori than intuition-based accounts, and that we have good reason to doubt the explanation they offer. To do this, I focus (...)
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  48. Ethical decision making in intensive care units: a burnout risk factor? Results from a multicentre study conducted with physicians and nurses.Carla Teixeira, Orquídea Ribeiro, António M. Fonseca & Ana Sofia Carvalho - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (2):97-103.
    Background Ethical decision making in intensive care is a demanding task. The need to proceed to ethical decision is considered to be a stress factor that may lead to burnout. The aim of this study is to explore the ethical problems that may increase burnout levels among physicians and nurses working in Portuguese intensive care units . A quantitative, multicentre, correlational study was conducted among 300 professionals.Results The most crucial ethical decisions made by professionals working in ICU were related to (...)
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    What Rights Do Authors Have?Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva & Aceil Al-Khatib - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (3):947-949.
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    Who Rules the Ruler? On the Misconduct of Journal Editors.Aurora A. C. Teixeira & Mariana Fontes da Costa - 2010 - Journal of Academic Ethics 8 (2):111-128.
    There are very few (published) accounts of editorial misconduct, and those that do exist are almost exclusively focused on medicine-related areas. In the present article we detail a case of editorial misconduct in a rather underexplored domain, the social sciences. This case demonstrates that although legal systems provide different instruments of protection to avoid, compensate for, and punish misconduct on the part of journal editors, the social and economic power unbalance between authors and publishers suggests the importance of alternative solutions (...)
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